Get a Free Server for a Review
Share your experience with ProfitServer and grab a free VPS
- This promo is valid for servers in Russia, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Singapore, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Madrid, Warsaw and London.
- Just leave a review about your experience with ProfitServer and follow us on social media, and we’ll hook you up with an extra 30, 14, or 7 days of VPS rental.
- Main
- Server for Feedback
Here’s what you need to do to score it
Order a VPS or extend your current service for at least 1 month
- *Optima, S plans: get 30 days free
- *Profi, Master, M, L plans: get 14 days free
- *Uber, XL, XXL, XXXL plans: get 7 days free
Follow ProfitServer on social media
Follow at least one of these:
Share your thoughts about ProfitServer
Highlight what you liked about our service. Post your review on any three of the following platforms (your pick):
Leave a review on all the platforms, and there’s a secret gift waiting for you!
After completing the steps, reach out to support.
We’ll check everything and extend your server rental for free!
To get in touch, submit a ticket to support
Terms for the Bonus Period
- You can only use this promo once
- Unused periods aren’t refundable
- The review should be informative, preferably over 200 characters
Ask us about VPS
We are always ready to answer your questions at any time of day or night.Sending a message