Get a Free Server for a Review

  • This promo is valid for servers in Russia, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Singapore, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Madrid, Warsaw and London.
  • Just leave a review about your experience with ProfitServer and follow us on social media, and we’ll hook you up with an extra 30, 14, or 7 days of VPS rental.
  1. Main
  2. Server for Feedback


Here’s what you need to do to score it


Order a VPS or extend your current service for at least 1 month

  • *Optima, S plans: get 30 days free
  • *Profi, Master, M, L plans: get 14 days free
  • *Uber, XL, XXL, XXXL plans: get 7 days free

Follow ProfitServer on social media

Follow at least one of these:


Share your thoughts about ProfitServer

Highlight what you liked about our service. Post your review on any three of the following platforms (your pick):

Leave a review on all the platforms, and there’s a secret gift waiting for you!

After completing the steps, reach out to support.
We’ll check everything and extend your server rental for free!

To get in touch, submit a ticket to support

Contact Us

Terms for the Bonus Period

  1. You can only use this promo once
  2. Unused periods aren’t refundable
  3. The review should be informative, preferably over 200 characters

Ask us about VPS

We are always ready to answer your questions at any time of day or night.
Please, check our Knowledge base, most likely the answer to your question is already there!